Hello!  The Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust, Inc. administers and operates a fund that gives grants to community-based Mission Hill and Fenway non-profit organizations, community development corporations, and other civic groups dedicated to promoting and enhancing quality of life in the community through projects and programs for residents in the arts and education, youth sports and recreation, activities for seniors, community gardens, affordable housing, social services, and whatever the board of the Mission Hill / Fenway Neighborhood Trust deems appropriate.

Organizations funded by the Trust have included Fenway Community Development Corporation, ABCD Parker Hill Fenway Neighborhood Service Center, Benjamin Healthcare Center, Solar Fenway, Mission Hill Artists Collective, Fenway Civic Association, Friends of Historic Mission Hill, Mission Hill School Family Council, Friends of Ramler Park, Mission Hill Health Movement, Mission Hill Main Streets, Mission Hill / Fenway Buccaneers, Sociedad Latina, MissionSafe, Boston Building Materials Coop, Mission Hill Little League, Save Fenway Park!, Mission Park Social Services, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Grammar School, Neighborhood Access Group, Fenway Community Health Center, and the Mission Link bus service.



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